Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 41 Phase 2 HCG - FINAL DAY

209.4 today

It's 8pm I just did my drops for the last time for this round. I'm so ready for tomorrow. I've been looking forward to this day for a long time. I've come really far and I stuck this out for 6 weeks straight.

Some days were easier than others but all in all I'm proud of myself for sticking it out. My husband has now been doing the HCG diet for 10 days and he's lost a whopping 20 pounds!.....of course cause he's a guy. Combined we've lost 55 pounds of fat. Pretty impressive I'd say.

Well I'm gonna turn off my computer and spend the evening with the famdamily. See ya'll tomorrow!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 40 Phase 2 HCG

211.4 today!

OMG I have today and tomorrow to put on the books. It's Thursday today and I'm hopin and a wishin and a prayin that Saturday morning I'll be under 210. 

I have Saturday planned in food. I went grocery shopping yesterday and got all the stuff I wanted. Found some lowfat cottage cheese with pineapple in it that I'm really excited about. Got some turkey bacon that should be good. Saturday morning I plan on having an awesome breakfast of 1 egg, 1 peice turkey bacon and avocado and mango cut up. 

Lunch I'm having a taco salad. Going to blend cottage cheese with a little bit of lemon juice for a faux sour cream. 

For dinner I'm going to be slow cooking a roast with squash, carrots celery and onion. I'm so so so so excited!

Today Maya Angelo died, or I guess it was last night, the news came out today. So here's to her memory! 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 39 Phase 2 HCG

212.4 this morning

FINALLY got past my plateau being stuck at 215. Hopefully this means in my final two 3 days I'll be able to get under 210. 

Unfortunately I haven't been able to exercise the last 4 days cause I've been working so hard networking and being other entrepreneurs on the internet, trying to learn from them and implement what they do myself. I'm wiped out mentally and odddly sore. I think it's from tensing out. 

Again I haven't had much to eat today. had a burger patty and a pickle so far and it's almost 8pm. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 38 Phase 2 HCG

215.4 today

28.6 pounds lost total. Ok so I lost a little bit from yesterday. So I guess that's good news. After today I only have 3 more days so I haven't really eaten much today. with only 3 more days taking the HCG drops I want to take the most advantage of it and try to lose 5 pounds in the next 3 days. Crossing my fingers. 

Saturday and Sunday are fun days with the family. Going to be spending most of the weekend going swimming so I'm going to start my 14 day challenge on Monday, June 2nd. Mind over matter. The fitness challenge will be hard but I can push through it. I've already pushed through so much and proved to myself how great my determination really is. 

Not much to say on this day. Except I'm continuing to countdown to the last day where I can open up my diet more. I'm so stoked!!

don't have regrets

Sum it up for the Day

1/2 pickle
coffee with skim milk


Internet lifestyle network $20 in Online 24 hours

Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 36 Phase 2 HCG - Yacon Syrup

215.8 this morning. 

So 5 days in a row I've been 215.8. I'm feeling pretty frustrated about it today. I don't feel like I want to keep eating a measly 500 calories a day if I'm not continuing to lose a pound a day. It's looking like the immunity that develops around 6 weeks is real. I wanted to finish my 6 weeks at 200 pounds, but it's looking like I'll be lucky to end at 210. 

I'm having a lot less today to see if that makes a difference on the scale tomorrow. I'm watching my little boy eat fries and chicken fingers and feeling like I can barely resist the urge to grab a fry. I originally was going to overlap the 14 day workout with the end of HCG however eating so few calories does tend to make me a little light headed when I'me xerting ymself so I'll wait till the day after I finish the HCG drops to start the 14 day workout. Then I'll have 14 days eating no starch an no sugar and exercising.....I'm already thinking about a taco salad. Sounds incredible. There lettuce and burger and salsa in the fridge and beans and corn in the pantry and what does that spell?! Amazingness!

Watched Dr. Oz today and he announced the new BIG thing. Yacon Syrup which makes you lose weight without exercise and diet. I think if I were to get pregnant right off the bat that it would be a good way to continue losing weight without harming the baby. The weight loss appears to be gradual at about 5-10 pounds a month. At least it would be a good way to maintain a certain weight throughout my pregnancy. 

After today I only have 4 more days with the 500-calorie diet. Maybe if I'm really on my game and don't use the faux butter, which may be my downfall, I'll end the week at 210. 

I did get my new swimming suit yesterday that I'll take my after pic in....maybe. I'll post a pic at the very least. I also got my hair cut and dyed so I can have the feel of a major makeover. I wore a skirt yesterday and my thighs were barely rubbing which was very awesome. If I just keep on focusing on those positive points I can get through these last 4 days. UGH!!!!!!!!!!

Sum it up for the Day:

Coffee with skim milk
3 strawberries

coffee with skim milk
melba toast

orange chicken and asparagus

Day 35

Saturday, May 24, 2014

30 day Ab & Butt Challenge

I've been consistently working a 30-day ab & butt challenge. First of all I'm on day 10 and I've been doing it for over a month. If you're starting out very out of shape it's going to take repeating each day multiple times till you start building up the muscle to truck forward.

When I start I could barely do 12 sit ups. Today I did 45 without stopping. It's a work in progress but getting a lot better. Don't feel frustrated if your too sore the next day. Let yourself heal and do it again the next day. It takes time but you'll get better and stronger without a doubt. I don't even remember the last time my butt felt so good ;)

30 day ab challenge

30 day butt challenge

Day 34 Phase 2 HCG - Life Style Change

216.2 this morning. 

Last night we didn't get around to having dinner until 11pm. I usually eat around 9. Eating that late I think is what made me weigh more today. I'm sure the awesome steak dinner is still digesting, but I'm guessing realistically I'm closer to 213 if I hadn't had dinner so late. 

I have 1 week left - 7 days. I've been eating 500 calories a day for 5 weeks and lemme tell ya I'm ready for something different. I got some great recipes picked out for next weekend. I'm going to make cauliflower tortillas and have fajitas. Also a cauliflower pizza crust, put some tomato sauce, fresh basil, mushrooms, parm and BAM amazingness. I'm excited. I can't wait to change up the flavors. I'm on a cauliflower kick so I'm also going to try making some Chinese dishes with meat and veggies and put it over rices cauliflower. I'm aiming to use veggies more often in general. 

It was my new years resolution/goal to eat more veggies and drink less calories. I did good for the first 2 months of the year, then said screw it. I quickly packed on 15 pounds and realized that I'll never be one of those people that can eat whatever they want. During the last 5 weeks I've been talking myself into accepting that I need to always exercise and I need to always eat healthy. I can go to restaurant and have fattening meals, but not every single meal, more like 1 or twice a week. 

motivation on HCG

I use to always say "lifestyle change?! Screw that I'm not making a lifestyle change! I happen to like food and sitting on my ass." Well turns out I like being healthy more. Also turns out if I want to not be a whopping 240 pounds I have to make a lifestyle change. I store food as fat, and I don't use it as energy. That's just me. I'm sure working out and gaining muscle will help with the issue however I've had problems with my weight my entire life and it's only going to end if I literally do make a lifestyle change. 

When it comes down to it I rather look in the mirror and love what I see rather than enjoy a fattening meal for 5 minutes. Food passes right on through the mouth in a matter of minutes and what are you left with? You can eat junk food and be left with a sluggish feeling, maybe some tasty burps (I know, eww), and a widening waist. Or you can eat healthy and be left with energy and clarity, and a love for yourself that you can only get from being healthy. 

A lot of this also comes from my son and the 2nd baby we're planning on trying for. Both me and my husband are overweight and have had weight problems since childhood. I look at my son and although he's at a perfect weight and height for his age, I'm worried that if we teach him the same bad habits we taught ourselves then he may be another generation with weight struggles. He's 2 and I'm almost 25. If there's going to be changes in lifestyle it needs to happen now. I need to teach my son to love eating healthy and to prefer it. I need to teach him that exercise feels good and makes you feel good. I need to teach him to love himself enough to life a healthy lifestyle. 

So ONE week left. Next Saturday I'm going to have a couple eggs over easy with avocado and mango for breakfast. Cauliflower fajitas for lunch, banana for snack and continue thinking healthy for dinner. As the popular Frozen song goes:

        "The past is in the past!! Let it go!!"


I was browsing Pinterest looking at all those round butts and toned abs and feeling a little deflated about my progress. I had to remind myself how far I've come. I may have another 50 pound to lose till I'm excellent, but I'm well on my way. I may need to be doinng a couple hundred sit up and squats a day to get the results I desire, but I'm working up to it. I'm doing everything I need to be doing. 

Next Thursday I start my 14-day workout and by that point I should also be in the single digit 200's. I'm hoping after the 14 day workout on top of healthy eating that I end at 190-185. From there I'm not sure what workout I'll be doing next. I have some good ideas pinned in Pinterest.  

I at least think I have a good morning workout figured:
morning workout

Day 33 Phase 2 HCG


Nothing changed from yesterday, but it happens. Not much to report for this day except I'll keep on truckin through the day. get some exercise done and eat what I'm supposed to eat. 
do HCG and exercise or dont

Sum it up for the Day: 

2x Coffee w/ skim milk& stevia

Bragg ACV drink w/ Stevia
Shrimp cooked in faux butter and old bay
melba toast
1/2 grapefruit

lemonaid vitamin water

Bragg ACV drink w/ Stevia
chicken dipped in mustard dressing
melba toast

lemonade vitamin water

Bragg ACV drink w/ Stevia
melba toast

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 32 Phase 2 HCG

215.8 today. 

28.2 pounds lost total. Amazing my son is 28 pounds. He's getting so big to pick up, of course it's not too heavy. My point is he's heavy enough to feel his weight when you pick him up and if you walk maybe a block holding him, you start getting breathless. He weighs 28 pounds. Picking up my giant 2-year-old I think good lord, I lost this much weight in FAT! 

Another day and another pound. I've worn myself out doing yard work in the summer sun and somehow got a killer ab workout in the process. For now I'm wiped out and ready for a steak lunch. Hubby picked up some great butter substitute made of sunflower oil that made our lobster last night amazing! So I'm cooking my little 3 oz. steak in it today. Should be pretty awesome. 

In the meantime remember the following:
love yourself enough

Sum it up for the Day:

coffee w/ skim milk & stevia

1 cup skim milk


Shrimp with lemon juice and old bay
spinach salad
melba toast


Crab legs dipped in lemon juice and faux butter w/ old bay
melba toast

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 31 Phase 2 HCG - links for buying HCG

So after 30 days of exercise and 500-calories a day I'm down 27 pounds and 24.5 inches.

I know I feel like I've lost a lot, but nearly 25 inches seems like so much more. It's amazing 3 days ago and I had 25 inches of fat on me. I wanted to get down to 200 during this and with only 12 days left on the 40 day round and 17 pounds to go. I'm not sure how close I'll be to hitting that mark.

Of course I do intend to start the Shrink a size in 14 Days workout. Right now I'm not seeing the loss on my waist that I want, but I think when I'm in the maintenance phase, still eating healthy and exercising more I'll be able to get that little waist that I was so proud of in high school. I remember at my peak my waist was the same on one of my thighs and my bust and hips were 45". I was something like 45, 27-30, 45. My bust and hips are only a couple inches away from that. My arms are only an inch away from what they were. My focus is more on the belly fat now. Don't get me wrong it's obvious I've lost fat on my waist, but after being so chunky for so long I really want to experience that whittled waist again. Sure it may not last long considering my goal is to get knocked up this summer, but it will be easier to get back to it after having another baby.

I've been avoiding sharing my blog on Facebook cause I was unsure I could actually live up to my own expectations of being able to document the loss of 50 pounds. But after a month now I don't doubt it anymore. I'm getting bored of the same food and I want things like bananas and sweet potatoes, but I can make it 12 more days for sure and probably lose 10 more pounds during those 12 days. Then maintenance the Shrink a size in 14 Days workout.

I've been asked where I got these HCG drops, well here it is: I bought them on Amazon 2 bottles for $25.

Tonight I'm going to be trying a new wrap for skin tightening, and stretch mark reduction. Below are the things I bought for it, also off of Amazon. Hey I'm a stay at home mom, Amazon is where I shop.

crush up the seaweed

Now for some inspiration to go with the day. Hubby is at Sunflower Market discovering all kinds of awesome stuff that can be eaten on the HCG diet. He even found Ranch dressing with 0 fat, 0 carbs, 0 sugar, 0 calories. There's also some organic lobster tail and crab legs plus some raspberry chocolate coffee he fresh ground. I'm excited to try some new things for these remaining days. I'm getting kind of bored of the same stuff. But one tip: Definitely definitely keep strawberries in the fridge, they never get old! 

suck it up for the long run results

Sum it up for the Day:

iced tea

pickle melba toast
1/2 cup skim milk

coffee w/skim milk & stevia

3 ox burger patty
saurkraut w/ mustard


Lobster Tail
melba toast

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 30 Phase 2 HCG

217.5 this morning

Not much of a difference from yesterday. Today is the 30th day. Tomorrow will be the official 30 day weigh in and measurements. My goal was to be at 213 by tomorrow. I don't know if I'll drop that much is one day. Also thinking about not doing muscle exercises today to lessen the weight retention.

My husband is starting the diet with me today. I made a double batch of orange chicken to take to work to kick off his diet with some yummy food.

I'm amazed I only have 10 days left. 3/4 of the way done. BUT I want to keep doing the drops to get to 190.....maybe. I am getting super bored of the same ole foods.
getting closer with the help of HCG

Sum it up for the day


iced coffee


Melba Toast


iced coffee


cottage cheese and salsa salad


iced coffee

Steak - dipped in Worcestershire
Asparagus - dipped in lemon juice



Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 29 Phase 2 HCG

217.8 today

Now that's what I'm talking about. Now I've lost over 26 pounds of fat. I know it's all fat because I've definitely gained muscle mass. I can feel it all over my body there is so much more muscle. I know the more fat I lose and more muscle I build I'm so gonna be a MILF LOL.

I'm not feeling too great today. I woke up sick to my stomach and nearly threw up a couple times. It's hard for me to ever get down water and I'm exhausted. Maybe a cold is coming on, I dunno what it is, but I do know exercise does not seem to be in my future today.

I started feeling better after visiting my friend and her new baby. Had some coffee and some good conversation and came home ready to at least get in my 30 day ab & butt challenge. 


After completing much more sit ups and squats that I could originally do, I checked the gap in my ab muscles. About a month ago I followed the instructions for testing if you have torn ab muscles. I discovered behind my belly button my abs were ripped about 3 1/2 inches apart. But today after my sit ups, leg lifts, crunches and plank I did the same test. This time It appears the gap is only about the width of my finger. I don't know how it closed up so fast, but it gives off the sensation of my ab muscles being a corset slowly pulling in. 

It's nice to know that I don't have to forever have ripped abs. I think the next semi-muscular issue I'm going to try solving is my weak bladder. Since 9 months pregnant and up till present day I cannot laugh, cough, sneeze, jump, drive over a bump or pretty much exist without peeing my pants. For those of you with this issue you know that it's bigger of a hassle than it seems. Sometimes it's just a little drip, and sometimes the damn collapses and it just all comes out. As much as I would love having a second baby it's in the back of my mind,  "what will happen to my bladder?"

So before getting carried away with negative thoughts of having a forever dulled bladder I'm going to try a couple weeks of exercises pointed at tightening those muscles. 

Sum it up for the Day

1/2 cup skim milk

3 strawberries
Melba Toast

Orange Chicken and Asparagus 

Day 28 Phase 2 HCG

219.2 today

It's good. I feel like I got back tracked though

Spent the whole day with the family taking a walk through the park and playing. Not much to report for this day.

Sum it up for the Day:


scrambled egg whites with spinach
1/2 grapefruit
Melba Toast

Iced Tea



burger patty
melba toast

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 27 Phase 2 HCG

220.8 this morning.

 I lost weight from yesterday which is good. But I was at 220 4 days ago. I don't understand what's going on with my weight the last several days a lot. Lost a lot, then gained a lot, then lost a little. I'll keep at the diet though and hopefully it's balance itself out.

Sum it up for the day

coffee w/ skim milk & stevia

1/2 grapefruit

iced tea

3/4 fat free cottage cheese with salsa over spinach


Shrimp in lemon juice
melba toast

Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 26 Phase 2 HCG

I was 221.4 this morning. It's the biggest jump it weight that I've experienced and kind of weird since I just lost 4 pounds in 2 days. However, I'll have to admit I was constipated and my hair was still wet from the shower before. Just taking out my wet scrunchy took off 4 ounces. I'm not to concerned about it today. We'll see what I weigh tomorrow and that should give me a better idea on if I need to be worried.

Right now I'm enjoying an iced coffee. I'm going to take a moment enjoying it then do my 30 day ab & butt challenge and my workout video.

I just prepped a week worth of freezer meals and the kitchen is a disaster but things like maintaining my new healthy life style are higher priority. I can get to the kitchen when I'm done, it'll still be waiting. But if I do the dishes while I'm feeling motivated to exercise, then the exercise may not happen and I'm getting some killer guns that I don't want to give up ;)

hey girl ryan wants you on HCG

Sum it up for the Day

coffee w/skim milk & stevia

melba toast

iced tea

shrimp in lemon juice
melba toast


melba toast

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 25 Phase 2 HCG

219.2 today

Whoot whoot I made it to the 200-teens. 24.8 pounds total lost so far today on the 25th day. I'm for sure averaging 1 pound a day. I think I'll continue the 500-calorie diet 10 days past my original ending day so I can make sure to lose 50 pounds.

It's only 9:30am and I'm unusually hungry for this early in the day. I was going to make a large pitcher of iced tea to see if that calms me belly. If that doesn't help I may be having breakfast a little early.
lose weight and do what others can't

I'm out of fruit today. I'll get some later tonight when the hubby is off work, but today I'll have to mainly eat protein. I was thinking about having burger and sauerkraut again. There's also some shrimp, tuna, pickle and spinach. So that's my exciting day of eating for pre grocery shopping. It's fine though. I've lose so much weight there's no way I'm going to be fretting about it now. I'm half way done to my 50 pound goal in just over 3 weeks, that's incredible!

I'm excited in general to be at 219. Next Tuesday is my next 10-day weigh in and measurements update. I just laid Ricky down so I'm going to to do workout today. When he gets up later in the evening I'm going for my walk/jog. I'm feeling so good losing weight and exercising. I'm past the hump of it being hard now it just feels good. More motivation to continue eating well in the long term.

Sum it up for the Day:


iced tea w/ Stevia

1/2 c cottage cheese

iced tea w/ Stevia

melba toast
7 cherry tomatoes

iced tea

cottage cheese

iced tea

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 23 Phase 2 HCG

223.2 pounds this morning.

Not a big day. Ended up doing nothing but hang out with my boy. It was a good lazy day but I didn't get in the exercise that I wanted to. Not much to report on this day. 

destroy illusions about being happy fat

Sum it up for the Day:


3/4 skim milk


half grapefruit


Day 24 Phase 2 HCG

Woke up to some great news. The scale read 220.2. I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I haven't experience a 3 pound drop in 1 day since the 1st two days of the HCG protocol 500 calorie diet. 

I feel good and it's for sure noticeable to those who know me that I've lost weight. One more pound and I will have lost 25 pounds which is a dent on anyone. I've done great and I know the people around me are impressed. It motivates me even more to keep it up and not give up. I've built up so much momentum talking about it and having long term (3 week) success that if I slip up I would be too disappointed in myself for letting everyone including myself down. There's been time after time after time after time probably 2 dozen times in my life that I talked a big talk but didn't lose the weight. There's only been 2 other times before this time that I walked the walk.

I think a lot of overweight people, perhaps more women, have at at least one time felt like a failure for gaining weight and not losing it, of feeling disappointed in themselves for letting it get so far or for attempting and giving up. It's emotional struggle and really, for me, I see food as more of an addiction. Now that I've kicked the habit of eating sugar, starch, junk for over 3 weeks I'm feeling like I'm going through an emotional food addiction rehab. At first for the first couple weeks it was hard watching other people eat like I use to. In the last week my feeling towards food have shifted. I'm no longer jealous of watching someone dig in on some fatty grub. Instead I have this feeling like I'm watching someone being consumed by an addiction to a drug. The fast food commercials that only 2-3 weeks ago were making my mouth water now just make me disgusted my how many chemicals are in them to keep them from going bad. 
lose weight to feel better mentally

I may be bored by my limited list of HCG approved foods, but after the 500-calorie diet I intend on continuing to eat mainly fresh fruits and veggies and lean meat and nuts and home made jerky and all that stuff that nourishes your body and makes it feel strong, all the stuff that defogs your brain. I feel like it took a couple weeks for the sugar additives and preservatives and all the other chemical BS to get out of my system. But now that it is I feel good. I feel balanced. My body and my mind feel stronger and clearer. I feel motivated to accomplish bigger things. 

My conclusion thus far is the food we're eating in those colorful packages or buying from those loud fast foods restaurant is only digging us deeper into a food addiction. It's an addiction that's hard to put your finger on and can even seem made up. You may be overweight but it's not because your addicted to food, right? Then stop eating the junk food, only eat natural foods like fruits veggies, and lean meats and do it continuously for a couple months never having a slip up day. Could you do it? Just today make that decision? If you have a little doubt that you really could that consider the possibility it's a food addiction. 

I feel better about how I view food now, a lot better. And I really feel like I'll be able to maintain healthy eating after this. I'm sure after 2 1/2 more weeks of this, that thought will be even further solidified. 

My sista from another mista had a baby yesterday, also contributing to why I didn't workout. So I'm watching her son till she gets home with the new family member tonight. That should be in like 3 hours then I intend on going on a great walk and doing my 30-day ab & butt challege

Sum it up for the Day:


3 slices cucumber
3/4 C Skim milk

Iced tea w/ Stevia

3 oz. burger patty w/ 1 cup sauerkraut & mustard


Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 22 Phase 2 HCG

223.5 this morning
20.5 total lost

In 20 days I lost 20 pounds. I have 30 days left and I think it's likely I can lose 30 pounds in the next 30 days to reach my original goal of 50 pounds loss. 

It's a beautiful sunny day. It's noon right now. I'm going to finish my iced coffee with Stevia, then set the timer for 10 minutes, have my HCG drops, set the timer for another 10 minutes, drink another glass of iced tea, & 20 minutes from that I'm going have some awesome coffee. The sun will be pretty direct until like 7 pm. The hubby is working till 9 and we all slept in till 11 today after a late night with Grandma for Mother's Day. So that all added together means tonight around 7-8 I'm going to self motivate to stick my lil boy in the stroller and haul ass jogging by myself, but it will be worth it. 

While Ricky's napping I'll do day 6 of my ab & butt 30-day challenge and one of my YouTube Video workouts. Then it's time to head outside and do some yard work. By the time he wakes up it will be walk/ jog then bath time. Besides that there's dishes to be done and laundry to put away....and an unknown white substance in the bathroom that nobody lays claim to, the dog looks suspicious. That's my day. I'm off to go lose some weight and feel awesome. 

Day 6 ab & butt challenge
35 sit ups
30 squats
15 crunches
15 bridges
15 leg raises
20 lunches
25 sec

10 Min Beautiful Booty Workout

It started to rain and get stormy so I was pumping myself up to go out for my walk/run as soon as it stopped. Keeping a watchful eye on the local radar I waited till it looked like we were in the midst of a 45-60 minute break in the storm. Quickly I put on shoes, got Lil Ricky dressed and ready and marched outside to put him in the stroller only to realize the stroller was still in the van from yesterday's walk.....

I need to eat something but can't think of what actually sounds good. I have zero appetite. Perhaps another cottage cheese salad. 

Sum it up for the Day:

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 21 Phase 2 HCG

Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous mom's out there. Today I took in my day 20 weight and measurements. After last night's wrap I still feel a lot tighter around my mid section. I wanted to find a chance to do wraps on my arms and legs today. I have super jiggly arms with tons of stretch mark scars and if the they tighten on just a little bit, it'll seem like a lot. Same with my legs. I've been doing a lot of toning exercises and I have lose inches, but every little bit counts when it comes to revealing my newly toned legs. 

And so drum roll.........I have lost 19.5 pounds total and 18 inches total!

233WeightL armR armBustunder bustWaistHipsL thighR thighL CalfR Calfweight losstotal inches
Wed April 10247
Sat April 19214.11616.549.54241.55230.53017.517312.5
Mon April 21244.0 +2.9
Tues April 22240.2 -3.83.8
Wed April 23237.6 -2.66.4
Thurs April 24236.6 -17.4
Fri April 25236.4 -0.27.6
Sat April 26237.0 +0.67
Sun April 27235.0 -2.09
Mon April 28235.0 09
Tues April 29235.4 +.048.6
Wed April 30233.4 -0.110.6
Thurs May 1232.8 -0.6161647.75414051.529.2529.2517.51711.27.25
Fri May 2230.8 -2.013.2
Sat May 3230.6 -0.213.4
Sun May 4229.6 -1.014.4
Mon May 5229.0 -0.615
Tues May 6229.4 +0.414.6
Wed May 7227.2 -2.216.8
Thurs May 8226.0 -1.218
Fri May 9225.8 -0.218.2
Sat May 10225.0 -0.319
Sun May 11224.5 -0.5 15.751647.54037.54928.2527.7516.751619.518

So around 12:30 I had an apple. Since that I haven't had much to eat. It's 7pm now and I set the alarm to take HCG drops in 10 minutes. I'll eat 30 minutes from that. it's be a late dinner since my mid day meal is so late. I did get in a good walk next to a river. It's a stormy day and it was cold and windy, but no rain so we went on a walk with grandma on this cozy Mother's Day. 

Sit up for the Day:



coffee with skin milk

3 oz. crab meat with lemon and seafood seasoning

Iced Tea w/ Stevia & lemon

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