Saturday, May 3, 2014

Day 13 Phase 2 HCG

I weighed in at 230.6 this morning. So I lost 2 ounces from yesterday. Nothing big and it could have just been the difference of peeing. It's good news though, I didn't gain more than a pound I actually lost a little or stayed about the same, so this means the lean burger and skim milk I had yesterday was perfectly fine and I can have it again.

I'm feeling a little hungrier than usual this morning however I'm out of the bedroom a little bit later this morning and haven't had as much of my Fav Iced Tea as I usually do by now. I also got in a pretty good morning workout - not the one I was planning if you know what I mean - that on top of not much early morning liquid could be making me tired. It's been a busy week and me and the hubby haven't had much time together and let me tell ya in a weeks time of exercising there is a definite difference in endurance level. Do yourself a favor and spice up your sex life with a little bit more exercising. To be a little candid and blunt it killed me knees to be on top. In general my knee joints were aching all the time. But today I'm realizing my once chronically achy knees are feeling a lot better. Furthermore my ankle joints were starting to crack and pop a lot at 247 pounds and one of them got a sting inside that didn't go away for several weeks up until recently.

The increase in stanima and strength happened so quickly and unexpectedly I feel like everything is so much easy, my knees don't hurt to stand up ro sit down and be on top in the bedroom either. My ankles aren't feeling achy and popping and same goes for my hips. My arms feel stronger, everything feel better. After 14 days, 2 weeks I'm hooked and I know I can keep up this diet and routine for 4 more weeks.

So I have defrosted chicken from yesterday in the fridge today so I need to cook that today. Haven't decided what I'm going to have for breakfast here in an hour and half. But I do know my Jelly Filled Donut coffee is done and I'm pouring a cup. I added a raspberry tea bag to the coffee this time ;)

GREAT IDEA smoothie with 1 cup skim milk, 6 strawberries, 1/2 cup frozen spinach, 3 squirts of stevia and a handful of ice. Have a melba toast on the side.

I'll do that around noon. It's about 11 now, so like 20 minutes I'll set the timer and begin the hcg ritual.

And it was even better than I thought it would be. Not going to have the Melba Toast, I'm good. It was a greyish green but the strawberries overpowered the spinach in taste. It was pretty good. The spinach was frozen and along with the ice it really had a smoothies consistency. Taste sweet and fruity, the skim milk was pretty good in it. I think this is a change I can make using skim milk for my smoothies instead of whole milk. In the last several month I've been making an effort to add more fruits and veggies to my diet my having smoothies more often. I've been using almond milk which is healthier than whole milk, but a lot more expensive. I think when I'm done with the diet I'll meet inbetween whole milk and almond milk and use skim milk a lot more often.

I'm gonna let that soak in and get some housework done. When little man lays down I think I'm going to repeat a workout I did the other day that worked out great.

12 reps donkey kicks
12 each side sliding lunges
12 inner thigh
12 deadlift holding a gallon of milk ;)
repeat 3 times

12 bicep curls
12 should lift
12 tricep lift
12 diamond wall push up
repeat 3 times

Just finished these and omg my arms burn and my butt cheeks are twitching

1 hour during all commercials alternate cardio activity holding 2 lb dumb bells, like punching and kicking forward or punching side to side while lunching to that side. You can run place or do any number of plyometrics. The goal in to change the exercise after every 30 seconds and keeping your heart rate up the the entirety of the commercial break.

After the hour is up if little man is still sleeping I'm going to do my 30-day challenge

30 sit ups
30 squats
12 crunches
12 bridges
12 leg raises
15 second plank.

It's going to feel good. Breakfast filled me up and I fill energized and ready for a good workout. We'll see about doing the alternating walk/jog when Ricky wakes up after I've completed all of the above. I still have dishes and laundry and cleaning the floors to do.


Whew I made it all the way through all of it. I know I'm going to be sore. About 40 minutes and I gotta start setting my timers to do the HCG ritual. I was thinking tuna with a pickle diced into it and some mustard plus salt and pepper, dip the melba toast in it and have an apple on the side. Little man is waking up time to do the mom thang. 

Had what I said I would but I traded the apple for half a grapefruit leftover from yesterday. It was pretty good. I was feeling pretty hungry there after all the working out and  coffee today. I was reading on a forum that HCG immunity is BS and you can do it as long as you need. One woman used the example that a man she knew did the drops for 5 months and lost 120 pounds. five months is 150 days so he lost a little under a pound everyday for 5 months. That's pretty intense. I figure when 40 days rolls around I'll make the call based on how consistently I'm still losing weight to determine if I'll continue the drops till I reach 185. 

Thinking about the next meal dinner. I'm making manicotti for the famdamily and praying the smells aren't so amazing I just attack it. While I watch them devour the goodness I'm going to cook myself up some steak! I think with apple crisp on the side. 
 I'm hoping after how tuckered I am from working out that tomorrow the scale will have some good news like in the 220's good news. 


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