Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 31 Phase 2 HCG - links for buying HCG

So after 30 days of exercise and 500-calories a day I'm down 27 pounds and 24.5 inches.

I know I feel like I've lost a lot, but nearly 25 inches seems like so much more. It's amazing 3 days ago and I had 25 inches of fat on me. I wanted to get down to 200 during this and with only 12 days left on the 40 day round and 17 pounds to go. I'm not sure how close I'll be to hitting that mark.

Of course I do intend to start the Shrink a size in 14 Days workout. Right now I'm not seeing the loss on my waist that I want, but I think when I'm in the maintenance phase, still eating healthy and exercising more I'll be able to get that little waist that I was so proud of in high school. I remember at my peak my waist was the same on one of my thighs and my bust and hips were 45". I was something like 45, 27-30, 45. My bust and hips are only a couple inches away from that. My arms are only an inch away from what they were. My focus is more on the belly fat now. Don't get me wrong it's obvious I've lost fat on my waist, but after being so chunky for so long I really want to experience that whittled waist again. Sure it may not last long considering my goal is to get knocked up this summer, but it will be easier to get back to it after having another baby.

I've been avoiding sharing my blog on Facebook cause I was unsure I could actually live up to my own expectations of being able to document the loss of 50 pounds. But after a month now I don't doubt it anymore. I'm getting bored of the same food and I want things like bananas and sweet potatoes, but I can make it 12 more days for sure and probably lose 10 more pounds during those 12 days. Then maintenance the Shrink a size in 14 Days workout.

I've been asked where I got these HCG drops, well here it is: I bought them on Amazon 2 bottles for $25.

Tonight I'm going to be trying a new wrap for skin tightening, and stretch mark reduction. Below are the things I bought for it, also off of Amazon. Hey I'm a stay at home mom, Amazon is where I shop.

crush up the seaweed

Now for some inspiration to go with the day. Hubby is at Sunflower Market discovering all kinds of awesome stuff that can be eaten on the HCG diet. He even found Ranch dressing with 0 fat, 0 carbs, 0 sugar, 0 calories. There's also some organic lobster tail and crab legs plus some raspberry chocolate coffee he fresh ground. I'm excited to try some new things for these remaining days. I'm getting kind of bored of the same stuff. But one tip: Definitely definitely keep strawberries in the fridge, they never get old! 

suck it up for the long run results

Sum it up for the Day:

iced tea

pickle melba toast
1/2 cup skim milk

coffee w/skim milk & stevia

3 ox burger patty
saurkraut w/ mustard


Lobster Tail
melba toast


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