Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 22 Phase 2 HCG

223.5 this morning
20.5 total lost

In 20 days I lost 20 pounds. I have 30 days left and I think it's likely I can lose 30 pounds in the next 30 days to reach my original goal of 50 pounds loss. 

It's a beautiful sunny day. It's noon right now. I'm going to finish my iced coffee with Stevia, then set the timer for 10 minutes, have my HCG drops, set the timer for another 10 minutes, drink another glass of iced tea, & 20 minutes from that I'm going have some awesome coffee. The sun will be pretty direct until like 7 pm. The hubby is working till 9 and we all slept in till 11 today after a late night with Grandma for Mother's Day. So that all added together means tonight around 7-8 I'm going to self motivate to stick my lil boy in the stroller and haul ass jogging by myself, but it will be worth it. 

While Ricky's napping I'll do day 6 of my ab & butt 30-day challenge and one of my YouTube Video workouts. Then it's time to head outside and do some yard work. By the time he wakes up it will be walk/ jog then bath time. Besides that there's dishes to be done and laundry to put away....and an unknown white substance in the bathroom that nobody lays claim to, the dog looks suspicious. That's my day. I'm off to go lose some weight and feel awesome. 

Day 6 ab & butt challenge
35 sit ups
30 squats
15 crunches
15 bridges
15 leg raises
20 lunches
25 sec

10 Min Beautiful Booty Workout

It started to rain and get stormy so I was pumping myself up to go out for my walk/run as soon as it stopped. Keeping a watchful eye on the local radar I waited till it looked like we were in the midst of a 45-60 minute break in the storm. Quickly I put on shoes, got Lil Ricky dressed and ready and marched outside to put him in the stroller only to realize the stroller was still in the van from yesterday's walk.....

I need to eat something but can't think of what actually sounds good. I have zero appetite. Perhaps another cottage cheese salad. 

Sum it up for the Day:


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